The Programmer Disk
The Programmer Disk (Microforum).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
94 lines
// #if defined( Uses_TProgressBar ) && !defined( __TProgressBar )
// #define __TProgressBar
/* Include the commented directives above if you want to implement this
in your TV.LIB. Don't forget the #endif at the end of this file! To
utilize "#define Uses_TProgressBar" put the follow directives in TV.H,
after #if defined( Uses_TButton ) would be a good place.
#if defined( Uses_TProgressBar )
#define Uses_TView
#define __INC_DIALOGS_H
After uncommenting the top two directives of this header file and the
#endif at the end of this header file copy the contents of this file to
the DIALOGS.H file in TVISION\INCLUDE. Put it before the last set of
directives or to be safe somewhere in the middle between "#define Uses_*"
blocks. Don't forget to make a backup of DIALOGS.H if you make mistakes.
In MAKEFILE. in \TVISION\SOURCE edit the OBJS = statement to include
TPROGBAR.OBJ or compile it alone and just add it to the TV.LIB via
TLIB (easier).
To comiple individually and use try:
bcc -c -P -O1 -ml -I<include dirs> -n<obj dirs> tprogbar.cpp
+ add "-Y -Vs -B" for overlay version of TV.
tlib tv.lib /0 +TPROGBAR
For example:
bcc -c -P -O1 -kl -I\BC\INCLUDE;\BC\TVISION\INCLUDE tprogbar.cpp
tlib \BC\TVISION\LIB\TV.LIB /0 +tprogbar
After this you can remove TPROGBAR.CPP from your project list and it will
be included in the link with TV.LIB.
class far TRect;
class TProgressBar : public TView
// default the background char to 178, but you can pass any char you want
TProgressBar(TRect& r, unsigned long iters, char abackChar='▓');
virtual void draw();
virtual TPalette& getPalette() const;
virtual void update(unsigned long aProgress);
inline unsigned long getTotal(); // get the maximum iteration
inline unsigned long getProgress(); // get the current iteration
// change the percentage ( calls the update function )
void setTotal(unsigned long newTotal); // set the maximum iteration
void setProgress(unsigned long newProgress); // set the current iteration
char backChar; // background character
unsigned long total; // total iterations to complete 100 %
unsigned long progress; // current iteration value
char * bar; // thermometer bar
unsigned int dispLen; // length of bar
unsigned int curPercent; // current percentage
unsigned int curWidth;
unsigned int numOffset; // offset in the string to display the percentage
double charValue;
virtual const char* streamableName() const
{return name;}
void calcPercent(); // calculate new percentage
TProgressBar( StreamableInit) : TView( streamableInit ) {};
virtual void write(opstream&);
virtual void *read(ipstream&);
static const char * const near name;
static TStreamable *build();
inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TProgressBar& cl )
{ return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TProgressBar*& cl )
{ return is >> (void *&)cl; }
inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TProgressBar& cl )
{ return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TProgressBar* cl )
{ return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
//#endif // defined( Uses_TProgressBar ) && !defined( __TProgressBar )